
"Jahkarlo" is a term in Wolof and means "face to face" - It reflects the Jah Karlo Association's ethos to work with our partners on an equal footing and look the pressing issues we tackle straight into the face.

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about us

Envisioning A Thriving Future For People, Art & Nature In Senegal

Since 2008, We are working to promote Senegal as a country rich in opportunities in the social, environmental, artistic, and cultural space.



of experience


Discover our Most Recent Projects

SDGs Tackled

Start Date

December 2022

Progress 40%

SDGS Tackled

Start Date

October 2022

1st Cycle Completed 100%

insights and update

Our Latest news

1 year ago

Voilà c’est parti la nouvelle #formation en #agroecologie a la #jahkarlofarmer. Du plaisir voir des si jeunes engagés. Le futur de la terre dans leur mains.

1 year ago

Voilà les nouvelles T-shirts du Centre de Formation en #agroecologie Jahkarlo Farmer. Merci à tous nos supporteurs.

1 year ago

Pourquoi soutenir nos projets ?
Parce que nous sommes présents localement et que vous pouvez être sûrs que tous les fonds sont utilisés pour la réalisation des projets.

Un petit geste pour contribuer à un grand résultat.

2 years ago

Apprendre en s’amusant - - - - - - - Imparare divertendosi

Blog Posts

#TheGround for our youth.

A new project is preparing for the year 2021."SUUF SI POUR SUNUY…

“Off to work” at the training center in Toubab Dialaw.

Work has begun on the training rooms in Toubab Dialaw. The facility,…

get involved

make a difference today!

become a volunteer

We are always looking for talented and passionate people to support our mission as a volunteer. We offer opportunities in Senegal, Italy, or fully remote.

Support & Donations

Your support and donations are the backbone of our work and the impact we deliver. There are many ways through which your support can make a difference.

become a partner

Our projects would not be possible without our trusted network of partners. We are happy about any new ideas, projects, and partnerships to deliver impact.


A Long-term Network of Trusted Partners & Collaborators